Kineton C of E Primary School
The Kineton Local Academy Council can be contacted through the governance professional Sally Flynn by email kpsclerk@welearn365.com or via the school office.
In addition, parent governors are often available on the school playground at the beginning and end of the school day. They would be more than happy to chat about any issues that parents would like to bring to the attention of the Local Academy Council.
The nominated governor for Safeguarding is Judy Ashton.
Our role is a strategic one with three key functions:
- > Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
- > Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
- > Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
As Kineton Primary School is a Church of England school, we also have a responsibility to promote the Christian ethos of our school.
Our Governors are drawn from different parts of the community to ensure that we have sufficient diversity of views and experience. We currently have representatives from the staff, parents, church and local community. Each individual governor is a member of the Local Academy Council. Individual governors may not act independently of the rest of the Local Academy Council and decisions are the joint responsibility of the Local Academy Council.
Foundation governors are appointed by Coventry Diocese.
Parent governors are elected by parents.
Staff governors are elected by staff.
Associate governors are appointed by the Local Academy Council.
There are 0 employees whose total benefits exceeded £100,000.
The Trust's annual report and audited accounts and articles of association can be found at https://www.thestourfederation.com/document-library/
Details of The Stour Federation's Members and Trust Board Directors can be found at https://www.thestourfederation.com/governance/
Kineton LAC Meeting Attendance Records 2023-2024
Kineton LAC Meeting Attendance Records 2024 - 2025
Kineton LAC Register of Pecuniary Interests
Kineton Schools Financial Benchmarking