Kineton C of E Primary School
Our Values
Our school values, which shape the way we live and learn, are love, encouragement, respect, responsibility, honesty, forgiveness, teamwork and perseverance.
Biblical stories provide the narrative which we use to teach these Christian values to the children. The below booklet is designed to explain how our values shape the way we live and learn and provide the biblical narrative which we use to explain these Christian values.
LOVE - Love One Another
We know that by showing love to each other, we can all be the good friends and neighbours that God calls us to be. When we do this we also discover what it means to live life to the full.
ENCOURAGEMENT - Encourage One Another
At KPS we know the importance of encouraging one another and believing that, with God's help, we can achieve amazing things and be all that God calls us to be.
RESPECT - Treat One Another With Respect
At KPS we respect, value and celebrate our differences and the richness that brings to our school.
RESPONSIBILITY - Take Good Care Of What You Are Given
We recognise that everyone has lots that they can offer: we are all given different skills, resources and opportunities. No matter what we have been given, whether it is money, skills or opportunities, we should take responsibility to try hard and make the most of them in a way which helps everyone.
HONESTY - Be Honest, Even When It Is Hard
We should always be honest, even when it seems scary. At KPS we understand about making good choices and taking responsibility for our actions. We know that when we have told a lie or done something wrong it is best to find a way to tell the truth and show that we are sorry.
FORGIVENESS - Forgive One Another
When we make mistakes and turn our back on how God how wants us to live, God keeps reaching out to us. No matter what we do, and even before we say sorry, God forgives us. At KPS we should always endeavour to forgive those who have made the wrong choices.
PERSERVERENCE -Keep Trying When Things Are Tricky
If we know something is important, we should never give up, even when it is hard. Sometimes there are situations or people who need us to make an extra special effort for them. Never give up.
TEAMWORK - Work Together And Support One Another
When we work together we can achieve greater things than we could on our own. Everyone deserves a team to support them.